
At HSBC, we have adapted to and helped serve the needs of a changing world since our foundation in 1865. We have financed economic growth, fostered international trade and overcome events such as economic crises. We recognise our wider commitments to the communities in which we operate and understand that economic growth must also be sustainable. Today our sustainability approach focuses on three main areas: Net Zero Transition, Inclusion and Resilience, and Disaster Relief.

In Indonesia, we have been partnering with global and national charity organisations and NGOs in various programs with objectives to protect the environment, build financial literacy, and empower the communities. Here are some highlights of HSBC Indonesia’s current philanthropy programs:

Climate Innovation Acceleration

This year, PT Bank HSBC Indonesia (“HSBC Indonesia”), together with Ecoxyztem Venture Builder and Greeneration Foundation, launched the Climate Innovation Acceleration (CIA) Program initiative aimed at accelerating climate innovation. This program focuses on accelerating climate-tech innovation and education to develop talent in green jobs.

This program plans to attract more than 3,000 students in seven major cities in Indonesia, and provide mentoring and access to the market for 30 startups or Ecopreneurs. Furthermore, CIA aims to generate innovative solutions to support climate change mitigation and adaptation actions in line with Indonesia's Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (ENDC) 2030 targets. This collaboration is expected to contribute in building a more sustainable environment in Indonesia, involving government, private sector, and environmental advocates.

HSBC Indonesia, Ecoxyztem, Greeneration Foundation, and all supporting partners are ready to collaborate to ensure the success of the Climate Innovation Acceleration program.

Climate Solutions Partnership Program

In 2021, PT Bank HSBC Indonesia (“HSBC Indonesia”), in collaboration with the World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia and WWF-Indonesia launched the Climate Solutions Partnership (CSP) program in Indonesia, a comprehensive five year program aimed at accelerating the adoption of renewable energy and mobilizing private sector investments to support the transition to clean energy in Indonesia, particularly in the commercial and industrial sectors. This program is part of HSBC Group global partnership.

The insights from this program will be used for developing policy and incentives recommendations that are needed for large-scale commercialization of renewable energy in Indonesia.

In response to the growing demand for green electricity, the CSP program also works with Indonesia’s leading utility companies in Indonesia since 2023 to develop green electricity products, while also accelerating the use of environmentally friendly alternative fuels such as biomass waste.

Over the past three years, a series of initiatives including energy audits, skills training, and field guidance for target sectors have been implemented alongside policy development and sustainability education on campuses.

The CSP team conducts an energy audit to identify energy-saving potentials and sustainable solutions.

HSBC and WRI Indonesia Support Energy Transition Towards Bali Net Zero Emissions 2045

PT Bank HSBC Indonesia (“HSBC Indonesia”) is partnering with World Resources Institute Indonesia (WRI Indonesia) to launch Bali Youth for Clean Energy and Clean Energy Village programs in 2023 to support Bali Net Zero 2045 vision.

This program involves a strategic partnership to empower local communities to implement clean energy technologies and enhancing the capabilities of vocational school students’ with green skills.

Since its inception in early 2023, this program has reached 747 students from eight vocational high schools in five cities and regencies in Bali, providing them with a deep understanding of renewable energy technologies. Additionally, 13 students and seven teachers from five vocational high schools have undergone intensive training at the Kalpataru Learning Center, equipping them with the skills needed to compete in the workforce, especially in environmentally friendly or green jobs.

This program also focuses on empowering the fishing communities in Sanur through innovative solutions, with strong support from local partners and partner organizations like Youth for Clean Energy. The success of this initiative is measured by its contribution to broader environmental, social, and governance goals in Bali, as well as its aspiration to nurture a new generation that cares for the environment, supporting Bali in achieving its Net Zero targets and implementing green policies.

The graduation certificates are awarded to vocational school (SMK) students who have completed intensive training in green or environmentally friendly jobs at the Kalpataru Learning Center.

Business Case Competition

Business Case Competition (BCC) is one of the leading business competitions in Indonesia organized by PT Bank HSBC Indonesia (“HSBC Indonesia”), and the Putera Sampoerna Foundation, which has been running for 10 years. This competition is opened to students from top universities in Indonesia, where teams of four students are challenged with solving complex business case studies, requiring them to develop innovative and strategic solutions applicable to the given business scenarios.

The competition spans several months with multiple selection stages, culminating in a final round where teams present their solutions directly to a panel of senior HSBC executives and Indonesian business leaders.

Every year HSBC Indonesia’s employees volunteered as mentors to these teams of students to equip them with analytical skills, business planning, as well as presentation skills to present and defend their solutions.

The participants undergo intensive training in business case analysis and public communication to prepare and enhance skills that are useful in academic and professional fields.

Batik Learning Centre in Tasikmalaya

PT Bank HSBC Indonesia (“HSBC Indonesia”) and Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB Foundation), with the support of the Dewan Kerajinan Nasional Daerah (Dekranasda) and Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan (Disperindag) of West Java Province, launched Rumah Belajar Batik Tasikmalaya in 2022. The Rumah Belajar Batik aims to reduce unemployment among productive-age individuals from underprivileged backgrounds by providing batik skill training. These skills will equip participants to become self-sufficient and even create new job opportunities.

This program has successfully reached 116 per cent of the total number of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) completing all financial literacy modules, while 90 per cent of them experienced significant improvement in financial knowledge. Not only that, 91 per cent of MSMEs were even able to open savings accounts, depicting real progress in managing finances sustainably.

Moreover, graduates of this program also showcased remarkable achievements. 90 per cent of them possess good entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, which serve as a strong foundation for building sustainable businesses. Additionally, 91 per cent of graduates demonstrated positive behaviour and readiness to face challenges in running businesses, from self-confidence to adaptability in dynamic business environments.

Not only providing training, Rumah Belajar Batik is also active in conducting program socialization, reaching more than 3,500 participants with exceptional participation rates. Over 3,400 MSMEs have also received financial literacy training, providing a solid foundation in managing their business finances. The increase in participant registrations by 250 per cent from Rumah Batik is tangible evidence that this program has delivered significant positive impact to the communities it serves.

The participants of the Batik Tasikmalaya Learning House proudly showcase their batik artworks.

Natural Climate Solutions Model for Mangrove in Indonesia with YKAN

PT Bank HSBC Indonesia (“HSBC Indonesia”) has been actively participating in the Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration Alliance (MERA) program with the Indonesian Conservation Foundation (YKAN) since 2021. By the end of 2023, this collaboration achieved success by planting 200 mangrove trees in the Suaka Margasatwa Muara Angke area, followed by activities such as clearing invasive plants, mangrove seedling, and various educational activities. One hundred Bank employees also volunteered a total of 600 hours to sustain the mangrove ecosystem.

HSBC Indonesia is also actively supporting mangrove ecosystem restoration in Teluk Pambang Village, Bengkalis District, Riau Province, as part of the MERA partnership. This project aims to develop, promote, and implement Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) through mangrove protection and restoration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance coastal resilience, and support livelihoods dependent on the ecosystem. The project is conducted in three phases, starting with phase 1 in 2022, phase 2 in 2023, and phase 3 in 2023 - 2024, involving activities such as provision of basic data, which was completed 100 per cent in 2022, development of an integrated and multi-stakeholder mangrove management plan reaching 97 per cent completion in 2023, piloting mangrove restoration and protection at 47 per cent completion ongoing, and developing, improving, and promoting resilient sustainable livelihoods at 37 per cent.


HSBC Indonesia employees who actively participated as volunteers, joined together in simultaneous mangrove planting to preserve the sustainability of mangrove ecosystem.

Newtrees Project with WWF Indonesia

PT Bank HSBC Indonesia (“HSBC Indonesia”) supports the NEWtrees program, which is one of the initiatives of the WWF Indonesia Foundation (WWF-Indonesia) that focuses on the rehabilitation and restoration of 3,703 hectares of critical or degraded land in Indonesia. This initiative is an innovative way for organizations and individuals to collaborate in reforesting degraded or critical areas. The activities in this project include planting 2,000 trees (completed) and tree monitoring and rehabilitation (ongoing).

Planting of tree seedings by Mr. Francois de Maricourt, President Director of PT Bank HSBC Indonesia.